Isle of Skye

Harvesting peat with Old Man Of Storr in the backgroundDagen börjar med lätt regn vilket gör att vi tar oss en liten sovmorgon. När vi är redo Ã¥ker vi norrut mot Old Man of Storr. Enligt vÃ¥ra guideböcker ska det ta ca 30min att gÃ¥ upp till klippan. Men oj vilken klättring det blev. Vi hamnade till slut uppe i molnen. Vilken häftig klippa, otroligt att den inte ramlat omkull. Vilken utsikt de var ocksÃ¥. Nerfärden gick desto snabbare. Old Man of StorrEfter en snabb liten lunch vid Kilt Rock for vi vidare mot vägen mellan Staffin och Uig som ska vara väldigt vackar dÃ¥ man kör genom bergskedjan Quirang. Vi stannade till lite snabbt intil platsen där The Table, The Needle och The Prison finns i bergskedjan, men i ansÃ¥g att vi inte hade tid att gÃ¥ ut till platsen (tar ca 1h tor). QuiraingVi Ã¥kte istället vidare mot Dunvegan via Uig. Lite motvilligt belade vi för att komma in till slottet. Men vi fick ju gÃ¥n in det ocksÃ¥ och titta pÃ¥ trädgÃ¥rden. Väl inne i slottet kändes det som tidigare, Blair Castle hade redan allt det som erbjöds här. Det som var det mest intressanta var â€?The Fairy Flagâ€? en trasig sidentygbit frÃ¥n nÃ¥gonstans mellan det 5:e och 8:e Ã¥rhundradet. Gammal med andra ord.

Dunvegan CastleEfter en snabb genomgÃ¥ng av slottet och trädgÃ¥rden Ã¥kte vi vidare mot Talisker Destilleriet. Destilleriet ligger vacker direkt pÃ¥ stranden Loch Harport. Men utsidan imponerar inte lika mycket som Blair Atholl. Shoppen var ok, men de Whiskysorter som intresserade Patrik lÃ¥g i det över prisskiktet. Vi stannade till vid Aros Experience för att titta pÃ¥ vad det var. Dete visade sig vara en riktig turistfälla. Full med onödiga turistsaker. Vi Ã¥kte vidare till â€?The Lower Deckâ€? för att köpa lite Fish and Chips to go. Maten Ã¥ts pÃ¥ campingen, Patrik drack en av sina ale´s till maten.

July 24 – Isle of Skye

Harvesting peat with Old Man Of Storr in the backgroundThe day starts with light rain so we have a lie-in. Then we are ready we drive north towards the Old Man of Storr. According to our guidebook it should take 30 minutes to go up to the cliff. What a climb it turns out to be. We ended up in the clouds.. What a cool cliff, unbelievable that it hasn’t fallen over. What a view. Downhill went a lot quicker. Old Man of Storr After a quick bite to eat by Kilt Rock we continue our journey between Staffin and Uig which is said to be very beautiful as one drives through the mountain range Quirang. QuiraingWe made quick stops beside The Table, The Needle and The Prison in the mountain range but realised that we didn’t have time to go out to the place (takes roughly one hour return). We drove instead to Dunvegan via Uig. A little against our will we paid to get in to the castle, but we also got to go into the gardens. Inside the castle it felt familiar due to the fact that Blair Castle had already shown everything which we saw here. That which was most interesting was a scrap of satin material “The Fairy Flagâ€? from between the 5th and 8th century. Ancient in otherwords.

Dunvegan CastleAfter a quick look at the castle and gardens we drove to Talisker Distillery. The Distilleryis beautifully located by the beach at Loch Harport. The outside wasn’t as impressive as Blair Atholl. The shop was ok. The whisky range which interested Patrik was in the upper price class. We stopped at Aros Experience to see what it was. It really was a tourist trap, filled with unnecessary tourist souvenirs. We continued on to “The Lower Deckâ€? to buy Fish and Chips. The food was eaten at the camp site, Patrik drank one of his ale’s to his food.