The thrill is in the hunt

Product Image: Wolf Creek
My rating: 3 out of 5

Just when you thought it was safe to go hiking in the bushes again…along comes Mick Taylor. Kristy, Ben and Liz are three pals in their twenties who set out to hike through the scenic Wolf Creek National Park in the Australian Outback. The trouble begins when they get back only to find that their car won’t start. The trio think they have a way out when they run into a local bushman named Mick Taylor. Wait until you get a load of what Mick has in store for them. Their troubles have just begun.

Första tredjedelen av filmen är väldigt seg. Mest karaktärsuppbyggnad. Men på ett segt sätt. Sedan händer det lite grejer, men det är först framåt slutet som filmen riktigt tar fart. Ungefär samma film som Hostel, fast bättre med tanke på gore-delen. Kul med svenskar i filmen 😉

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