The first and most important rule of gun-running is: never get shot with your own merchandise.

Product Image: Lord of War
My rating: 4 out of 5

This film charts the rise and fall of Yuri Orlov, from his early days in the early 1980s in Little Odessa, selling guns to mobsters in his local neighbourhood, through to his ascension through the decade of excess and indulgence into the early 90s, where he forms a business partnership with an African warlord and his psychotic son. The film also charts his relationship through the years with his younger brother, his marriage to a famous model, his relentless pursuit by a determined federal agent and his inner demons that sway between his drive for success and the immorality of what he does.

Filmen slår ton med en gång. Den öppnar med att vi får träffa vår “hjälte”. Kameran närmar sig honom där han stold står i ett hav av tomhylsor. Under förtexten får vi följa en kulas “liv”. Från produktionen till dess slutet i huvudet på en minderårig i afrika. Hela filmen är melankolisk med den ena uppgången följd av en nergång. Härligt film med att mycket bra budskap bakom. Rekommenderas.