*knock* *knock* *knock*

Product Image: The Fog
My rating: 2 out of 5

Exactly one hundred years ago, off the rocky shore of an isolated Northern California town, a ship of lepers seeking refuge was betrayed by the town’s founding fathers and burned, dooming everyone aboard. Now, tonight, the ghosts of the long-dead mariners have returned from their watery graves to exact revenge. Shrouded within a supernatural fog, the ghosts trap the residents of the remote community, intent on seeking out the descendants of those who founded the town…and killing anyone who stands in their murderous path.

Jösses vad Hollywood har fått remakenoja. Oj, vad mycket rök det måste gått åt när denna filmen skapades. Men tja, det var ingen höjdare. Mest en massa rök och dåliga cgi-effekter. Skulle vara kul och se om John Carpenters orginal är bättre. Det enda som gjorde filmen njutbar var att Maggie Grace som är med i Lost var med i filmen.