There’s been a grave misunderstanding.

Product Image: Corpse Bride
My rating: 3 out of 5

Victor (Johnny Depp) messed up his vows during a wedding rehearsal, and is traveling through the woods, reciting his vows. He stops to rest in the woods,and while practicing, he gets them right and puts his wedding ring on a finger-shaped stick in the ground and says his wedding vows. The stick turns out to be a rotted finger belonging to a murdered girl (Helena Bonham-Carter), who returns as a zombie and insists that she is now Victor’s lawfully wedded wife.

En härlig film i samma anda som The Nightmare Before Christmas men inte riktigt lika bra, inte riktigt samma humor. Men verkligen sevärd då hela filmen är leranimationer.

Can’t stop the signal.

Product Image: Serenity
My rating: 3 out of 5

The crew of the Serenity is getting desperate. They have lain lower and lower to protect their doctor, Simon Tam (Sean Maher), and his telepathic traumatized little sister, River (Summer Glau), from the alliance, whom he rescued her from a year earlier. This has made getting jobs harder and now they are desperate. When they take River on a robbery during which Reavers (humans who have gone crazy and turned into cannibals) attack, Simon decides that its time to leave the crew of the Serenity for his and River’s safety. She then mutters “Miranda” and goes berserk and nearly shoots Capt. Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion), until her brother says the safety word to put her to sleep. Reynolds decides to take them back on board for safety, only now an alliance operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is on their tracks and making Reynolds determined to find out what “Miranda” is and what the Alliance is hiding.

Kanske inte riktigt så bra som jag hoppats på. Men oj vilket bra jobb av Joss Whedon för att vara hans första spelfilm som regissör. Det är en helt ok SciFi-rulle. Känns i vissa lägen som lite för lång, då tempot ibland blir lite väl lågt. Men mycket utav de lugna partierna är till för lite karaktärsutveckling. Ma ville verkligen inte att någon ur Serenitys Crew skulle dö.

4 Minutes av Kong Online

Häromdagen visade NBC en 4:a minuters scen från King Kong. Den innehåller Naomi Watts och den “lilla” apan. Scenen finns att ladda ner. Men den innehåller självklart spoilers.
(50.5MB AVI File)

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[ Scenen, Högerklicka och spara på hårddsiken ]

Be warned. Be ready.

Product Image: Bewitched
My rating: 3 out of 5

Out in California’s San Fernando Valley, Isabel is trying to reinvent herself. A naïve, good-natured witch, she is determined to disavow her supernatural powers and lead a normal life. At the same time, across town, Jack Wyatt a tall, charming actor is trying to get his career back on track. He sets his sights on an updated version of the beloved 1960s situation comedy Bewitched, re-conceived as a starring vehicle for himself in the role of the mere-mortal Darrin. Fate steps in when Jack accidentally runs into Isabel. He is immediately attracted to her and her nose, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the nose of Elizabeth Montgomery, who played Samantha in the original TV version of Bewitched. He becomes convinced she could play the witch Samantha in his new series. Isabel is also taken with Jack, seeing him as the quintessential mortal man with whom she can settle down and lead the normal life she so desires. It turns out they’re both right–but in ways neither of them ever imagined.

Jo, den var ju gullig. Var en liten feel-good-movie. Tea ville se den och sedan somnar hon när det är 10minuter kvar till slutet. Men hon missade inte speciellt mycket vill jag påstå 🙂


Hell Breaks Loose

Product Image: Doom
My rating: 3 out of 5

Something has gone wrong at a remote scientific research station on Mars. All research has ceased. Communication has failed. And the messages that do get through are less than comforting. It’s a level 5 quarantine and the only souls allowed in or out are the Rapid Response Tactical Squad – hardened Space Marines armed to the teeth with enough firepower to neutralize the enemy… or so they think.

2:a eller 3:a? Ja, det var en svår fråga. Det får väl bli en trea, detta för att om man inte tänker på att den egentligen med det namnet, bör bygga på spelet Doom, så är den ok. Men slutet. Suck, slutet. Vad hände? Fick regissören flipp? Åt han en av tabletterna som visades i filmen? Om jag vill se FPS-spel köper jag ett.

Same ho. New low.

Product Image: Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
My rating: 2 out of 5

This movie continues the wondrous adventures of Deuce Bigalow (Schneider), whose gift to the world is the amazing ability to please women (AKA “Janes”) in his role as a he-whore, a gigolo. Deuce is still relatively green to the profession, however, and so he is sent off to a school for gigolos in England where he can be trained to develop his full potential as a man whore. Once there, however, he discovers that 1) there is a secret society of he-whores that he didn’t know about, 2) his rank in that society is very low and 3) someone is killing off many of the higher class gigolo cadets. Deuce is also introduced to a whole new gaggle of eager clientele, like Katrina, who lost her nose in a car accident which killed her brother, but luckily, one of his organs survived to be used as a skin graft… but it was the sort that now causes her nose to get longer when she gets sexually aroused. The fun all leads up to a big finale at the 73rd Annual Man Whore Awards

*suck* 1:an var en helt ok komedi. Två kunde varit rolig. Men den når inte riktigt fram. Dom har tagit samma koncept och lagt det i europa istället. Vill man se en rolig film om amerikanska fördommar mot europa kan man se Eurotrip.


Evil Dwells Underground.

Product Image: Creep
My rating: 2 out of 5

Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who’s being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city’s streets.

Franka, Franka, hur kan man gå ifrån att göra något så bra som Lola Rennt för att följa upp det med helt ok The Bourne Identity, till detta skräpet? Ja, gillar man splatter ala Motorsågsmasssakern kanske man tycker denna är bra. Men efter gårnattens film är detta ett bottennapp.


Afraid of the dark? You will be.

Product Image: The Descent
My rating: 4 out of 5

After a tragic accident, six friends reunite for a caving expedition. Their adventure soon goes horribly wrong when a collapse traps them deep underground and they find themselves pursued by bloodthirsty creatures. As their friendships deteriorate, they find themselves in a desperate struggle to survive the creatures and each other.

Ja, huvve. Martin uttrycker sig bra i sin recension. Jag tycker inte om trånga utrymmen och denna filmen fick mig verkligen att fatta att jag aldrig har en chans att bli grottutforskare. Lite seg i början, men tiden användes för att skruva upp spänningen. Jag satt redan på nålar i början då jag är lätt klaustrofobisk. Sedan bröt helvetet lös. Jag tror inte jag kunde time-a detta filmtittande bättre. Mörkt ute och halv-storm far förbi så det knakar i knutarna.
Får se om jag kan sova inatt 😀

Jag fick via reda på att om man gillar denna, ska man också se Dog Soliders och Creep.

Vill du läsa mer om filmen?
[ PixelSurgeon ]
[ Pit Of Horror ]

How do you wake up from a nightmare if you’re not asleep?

Product Image: The Machinist
My rating: 4 out of 5

THE MACHINIST is the story of TREVOR REZNIK, a lathe-operator who is dying of insomnia. In a machine shop, occupational hazards are bad enough under normal circumstances; yet for Trevor the risks are compounded by fatigue. Trevor has lost the ability to sleep. This is no ordinary insomnia…

Äntligen! Det var ett tag sedan jag stötte på en film där jag inte hade någon förväntning på filmen och blev glatt överaskad. Detta är en sådan film, men oj så chockerande sorglig.