The dead are trying to get a hold of you

Product Image: White Noise
My rating: 3 out of 5

The pregnant wife of the architect Jonathan Reeves (Michael Keaton) is missed after a car accident near a cliff, and the police do not know whether she is dead or abducted. Some weeks later, a mysterious man comes to Jonathan and tells him that his wife is dead and had communicated with him through Electronic Voice Phenomena. Sooner Jonathan is informed by the police that her body was found in the sea near a harbor, and the tormented grieving Jonathan decides to try to contact her using uncontrolled E.V.P and jeopardizing his own life.

Mycket intressant ämne. Bra skrådisar och ryslig handling. Men någonstans i mitten tappar filmen ens intresse och slutet är tyvärr lite väl töntigt för min smak. Tråkigt att den inte räckte hela vägen fram.

Bättre filmer i denna genre är: The Sixth Sense eller Stir Of Echoes