What happened to Emily?

Product Image: The Exorcism of Emily Rose
My rating: 4 out of 5

A young girl (Jennifer Carpenter) dies under the care of her parish priest (Tom Wilkinson). While attending college, Emily believed she became possessed. After medical care ceases to work, she turned to her faith. In the care of her priest she dies and he goes on trial for her death. He is represented by a career-minded and driven lawyer (Laura Linney) who does not believe in God. Thus is the story of Emily Rose, told by those in the trial and the priest who watched her through her possession.

Det var inte riktigt denna typ av film jag förväntade mig efter att ha sett trailers för den. Trodde det skulle vara en modern Exorcisten, men det var det inte. Den var mera lik The Life of David Gale. Filmen utspelar sig efter exorsismen av Emily Rose. Under rättegången mot prästen som utförde exorsismen. Rättegången innehåller då tillbakablickar på vad det var som hände.
Mycket underhållande film.


Cousins. Outlaws. Thrillbillies.

Product Image: The Dukes of Hazzard
My rating: 3 out of 5

Cousins Bo (Seann William Scott) and Luke (Johnny Knoxville) Duke, with the assistance of their sexy cousin Daisy (Jessica Simpson) and Uncle Jesse (Willie Nelson), must save the Duke family farm from destruction by the town’s corrupt and evil commissioner Boss Hogg (Burt Reynolds). Their efforts constantly find the “Duke Boys” eluding authorities in “The General Lee”, the boys’ orange 1969 Dodge Charger that keeps them one step ahead of the dimwitted antics of the small southern town’s Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane (M.C. Gainey).

Underhållande. Men det är väl allt. Konstigt nog skulle jag nog klara av att se en 2:a av denna filmen. Inget speciellt del på skådespelarna, Jessica Simpson passar bra för att spela dum blondin 🙂
Det är mest manuset som känns väldigt tunnt.

Eliminating Evil Since 1812

Product Image: The Brothers Grimm
My rating: 3 out of 5

The action-adventure tale revolving around the legendary German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm is set to start shooting around Prague in June. Written by The Ring scribe Ehren Kruger, the fictional plot has the folklore collectors, now called Jake and Will, traveling from village to village pretending to protect townsfolk from enchanted creatures and pulling off exorcisms. They are put to the test when they encounter a real magical curse, requiring genuine courage.

Hade nog hoppats på en lite bättre film. Trailern fick mig väl att kanske önska mera. Den var underhållande, men inte mera. Tråkigt på Terry Gilliam som brukar göra så speciella filmer. Detta är bara en normal äventyrsfilm.

There’s been a grave misunderstanding.

Product Image: Corpse Bride
My rating: 3 out of 5

Victor (Johnny Depp) messed up his vows during a wedding rehearsal, and is traveling through the woods, reciting his vows. He stops to rest in the woods,and while practicing, he gets them right and puts his wedding ring on a finger-shaped stick in the ground and says his wedding vows. The stick turns out to be a rotted finger belonging to a murdered girl (Helena Bonham-Carter), who returns as a zombie and insists that she is now Victor’s lawfully wedded wife.

En härlig film i samma anda som The Nightmare Before Christmas men inte riktigt lika bra, inte riktigt samma humor. Men verkligen sevärd då hela filmen är leranimationer.

Can’t stop the signal.

Product Image: Serenity
My rating: 3 out of 5

The crew of the Serenity is getting desperate. They have lain lower and lower to protect their doctor, Simon Tam (Sean Maher), and his telepathic traumatized little sister, River (Summer Glau), from the alliance, whom he rescued her from a year earlier. This has made getting jobs harder and now they are desperate. When they take River on a robbery during which Reavers (humans who have gone crazy and turned into cannibals) attack, Simon decides that its time to leave the crew of the Serenity for his and River’s safety. She then mutters “Miranda” and goes berserk and nearly shoots Capt. Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion), until her brother says the safety word to put her to sleep. Reynolds decides to take them back on board for safety, only now an alliance operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is on their tracks and making Reynolds determined to find out what “Miranda” is and what the Alliance is hiding.

Kanske inte riktigt så bra som jag hoppats på. Men oj vilket bra jobb av Joss Whedon för att vara hans första spelfilm som regissör. Det är en helt ok SciFi-rulle. Känns i vissa lägen som lite för lång, då tempot ibland blir lite väl lågt. Men mycket utav de lugna partierna är till för lite karaktärsutveckling. Ma ville verkligen inte att någon ur Serenitys Crew skulle dö.

4 Minutes av Kong Online

Häromdagen visade NBC en 4:a minuters scen från King Kong. Den innehåller Naomi Watts och den “lilla” apan. Scenen finns att ladda ner. Men den innehåller självklart spoilers.
(50.5MB AVI File)

[ Läs Mera ]
[ Scenen, Högerklicka och spara på hårddsiken ]

Be warned. Be ready.

Product Image: Bewitched
My rating: 3 out of 5

Out in California’s San Fernando Valley, Isabel is trying to reinvent herself. A naïve, good-natured witch, she is determined to disavow her supernatural powers and lead a normal life. At the same time, across town, Jack Wyatt a tall, charming actor is trying to get his career back on track. He sets his sights on an updated version of the beloved 1960s situation comedy Bewitched, re-conceived as a starring vehicle for himself in the role of the mere-mortal Darrin. Fate steps in when Jack accidentally runs into Isabel. He is immediately attracted to her and her nose, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the nose of Elizabeth Montgomery, who played Samantha in the original TV version of Bewitched. He becomes convinced she could play the witch Samantha in his new series. Isabel is also taken with Jack, seeing him as the quintessential mortal man with whom she can settle down and lead the normal life she so desires. It turns out they’re both right–but in ways neither of them ever imagined.

Jo, den var ju gullig. Var en liten feel-good-movie. Tea ville se den och sedan somnar hon när det är 10minuter kvar till slutet. Men hon missade inte speciellt mycket vill jag påstå 🙂

200 000 filmer på holografiska diskar

Hundra dollar låter dyrt för en videodisk. Men om den rymmer 1,6 terabyte? Det är 400 gånger mer utrymme än på en vanlig dvd.

Amerikanska Turner Entertainment har testat holografisk lagring. Det är en form av datalagring som inte bara använder ytan på disken. Hela plastskivan är fullspäckad med ettor och nollor.

[ Läs mer @ ComputerSweden ]


Javaprogram för mobloggen

Mobbloggning på ett enkelt sätt erbjuder nylanserade Mopix. Du laddar helt enkelt ner ett javaprogram som skickar dina bilder till din mobbloggen. På det sättet kommer man undan mms-taxan och kan skicka bilder billigare än mms.

Svenska Mopix tar upp kampen inom den snabbväxande trenden med att ladda upp sina mobilbilder till en webbsida så alla kan se. På Mopix kan man registrera sitt eget konto och gratis ladda upp sina bilder så andra kan se. När man kommit upp i över 255 bilder får man betala för att behålla alla bilder på sin webbsida.

Mest unikt med tjänsten är att man laddar ner en javaapplikation för att ladda upp sina bilder. Tanken är att det på det sättet ska vara ett enkelt sätt att ladda upp sina bilder till webbsidan.

[ Erik Mörner @ Mobil ]