You are not what you were born,
but what you have it in yourself to be.

Product Image: Kingdom of Heaven
My rating: 4 out of 5

It is the time of the Crusades during the Middle Ages – the world shaping 200-year collision between Europe and the East. A blacksmith named Balian has lost his family and nearly his faith. The religious wars raging in the far-off Holy Land seem remote to him, yet he is pulled into that immense drama. Amid the pageantry and intrigues of medieval Jerusalem he falls in love, grows into a leader, and ultimately uses all his courage and skill to defend the city against staggering odds. Destiny comes seeking Balian in the form of a great knight, Godfrey of Ibelin, a Crusader briefly home to France from fighting in the East. Revealing himself as Balian’s father, Godfrey shows him the true meaning of knighthood and takes him on a journey across continents to the fabled Holy City. In Jerusalem at that moment–between the Second and Third Crusades–a fragile peace prevails, through the efforts of its enlightened Christian king, Baldwin IV, aided by his advisor Tiberias, and the military restraint of the legendary Muslim leader Saladin. But Baldwin’s days are numbered, and strains of fanaticism, greed, and jealousy among the Crusaders threaten to shatter the truce. King Baldwin’s vision of peace–a kingdom of heaven–is shared by a handful of knights, including Godfrey of Ibelin, who swear to uphold it with their lives and honor. As Godfrey passes his sword to his son, he also passes on that sacred oath: to protect the helpless, safeguard the peace, and work toward harmony between religions and cultures, so that a kingdom of heaven can flourish on earth. Balian takes the sword and steps into history.

Ahhhh, ytterliggare en Ridley Scott film 🙂 Man kanske skulle fortsĂ€tta med Ă€nnu en imorgon. FĂ„r nog inte Tea att se Alien, men kanske kan fĂ„ henne att titta pĂ„ Blade Runner. Hmmm, nĂ€r man nĂ€mner han gamla filmer kĂ€nns denna lite blek. Men den var inte alls dum. Första timmen gick jĂ€ttefort. Sedan gick det lite segare. Men vilket foto! Inte lika bra musik som i Gladiator. Tror det kan bero pĂ„ sĂ€mre skĂ„disar och inte lika bra musik.

Now We Are Free

Product Image: Gladiator
My rating: 5 out of 5

A dying Marcus Aurelius plans to name his loyal and brave General Maximus as his successor in order to restore the power of the Roman Senate. However, his power-hungry, jealous son Commodus learns of the plan, murders Marcus Aurelius, and plans to execute Maximus in order to secure his claim to the throne. Maximus escapes execution, but is sold into slavery and is forced to become a gladiator. Eventually, Maximus and his fellow gladiators are sent to Rome to perform for Commodus. Through his bravery he wins over the masses and reveals his true identity, much to the chagrin of Commodus. Can Maximus use his newfound popularity to avenge Marcus Aurelius’ death, or will Commodus be able to keep the throne?

Har nu Àntligen sett Extended Edition och vet inte riktigt vad jag ska tycka. Har sett dom flesta av dom inklippta scenerna som extramaterial pÄ den gamla utgÄvan. SÄ de var inte speciellt överaskande. Men som vanligt Àr det svÄrt att se vad som Àr nytt och vad som Àr gammalt, om man inte sett filmen en miljon gÄnger.
Är lite osĂ€ker pĂ„ betyget. Men dĂ„ jag tyckte det var en storslagen film första gĂ„ngen jag sĂ„g den och den hĂ„ller fortfarande mĂ„ttet, gör att jag anser att det Ă€r en film alla mĂ€nniskor ska ha sett.
Bara musisken Àr ett helt kapitel för sig. Jag har gÄtt och nynnat pÄ musiken sedan jag fick filmen i brevlÄdan. De mÄste vara det bÀsta Hans Zimmer gjort.